Sure you might be moving to a new and exciting place, but you're also going to be knee deep in that awkward in-between time that comes with transporting all your useless crap to a new location.
By the way, the rental truck's insurance does not cover your possessions... |
Oh gross, what is in my socks?! Ew, ew, ew. Oh god, it's everywhere! |
1. Denial
"Well, I live in a pretty tiny apartment, it's not like we've got a ton of stuff. Packing up shouldn't take that long."
Just give me thirty minutes. Max. |
2. Pain and Guilt
Four hours later.
Where did I put the damn packing tape? |
Whew! I need a rest, my back is killing me. Maybe I'll take a quick internet break...."
Six hours later.
facebookpinterestyoutubeetsycatstumblrstumbleuponblogspuppiesebaypetfinderamazon.... TO INFINITY! |
Time. Suck. |
Go back to work
3. Anger
That moment when you seriously consider just torching everything.
Arson: The maniac's reset button. |
Survival of the fittest, bitches."
I am not the fittest... |
4. Bargaining
"Okay, if I fill one more box then I'll internet for fifteen minutes. Just need to make sure to set a timer..."
Feed me. |
5. Depression
Two hours later
"Shit! I didn't hear the alarm. Stupid phone must have been on vibrate. Dammit! This is never going to get done. I should just quit now and try to get an early start tomorrow..."
Someone play me some sad walking away music. |
"Okay, okay. Just need to focus on one thing at a time. I've done this before, it's not a big deal..."
I am getting so drunk when this is over... |
7. Acceptance/Scary Productivity
"That's it! The computer is getting packed now. This whole place is getting sealed and stacked."
Whoops! Sorry pup, didn't see you there... |
And off we go into the sunset... Ah moving. A fresh start! A new journey! A seriously royal pain in the ass... |